Affordable Pediatric Neurosurgery In India
What is a pediatric neurosurgery?
Pediatric Neurosurgery in India is dedicated to diagnosis, treatment and management of children with various neurosurgical disorders of the central nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, nerves and muscles. A pediatric neurologist treats and diagnoses conditions including the behavioural problems such as Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), movement disorders such as cerebral palsy and seizure disorders such as epilepsy. Send us your query to know the pediatric neurosurgery cost in India by filling up the form given on the website.
Any serious illness befalling a child causes vast emotional and physical strain for both the child and the family. The neurosurgical problems in the pediatric age group are often complex and difficult. The best pediatric neurosurgeons in India offers comprehensive care for the complete range of the brain, spine, peripheral nerve and craniofacial disorders in children and adolescents. Due to our team’s clinical expertise in treating the neurological disorders and professional support from an array of the family centered specialists such as pediatric therapists and our on-site education and recreation therapy, we are renowned to deliver the highest standard of family-focused care.
A high quality initiative focuses on the best possible outcomes and at the same time maximizes the patient experience for the child. The pediatric neurosurgeons work to ensure that your child receives the latest and the most in-depth care possible for whatever neurological disease or disorder they are faced with. Our compassionate, family-centered approach to care, understand that children have specific illnesses needing care with specialized knowledge and training in the surgical treatment for children. Reach us at our Email or Contact Number to know the cost of Pediatric Neurosurgery in India.
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Why visit pediatric neurosurgeons in India?
The best pediatric neurosurgeons In India treat the neurological problems which are quite different from those generally seen by the general neurosurgeons. They have specialization in treating the pediatric neurosurgical diseases. Often children with neurosurgical diseases need frequent and regular follow-ups throughout their childhood. Hence the neurosurgeons forge a longstanding relationship with the child so that the child is relaxed and comfortable. Sometimes children cannot say what is bothering them. They may not be able to answer the medical questions and may not be cooperative or patient while undergoing a medical examination. Hence pediatric neurosurgeons should have extra knowledge on how to interact with their patients.
Additionally, they decorate their offices and hospitals with bright colors and cartoons to make them environment-friendly to the children. They may also have toys, reading and writing materials and videos for children. Also they use facilities and equipments which are specially designed for use by children. The pediatric neurosurgeons work closely with other doctors to ensure that a child receives the best possible care. They also have support services from the pediatric physicians, nutritionists, nurses, and others to ensure that your child has comprehensive care.
The Pediatric neurosurgeons have minimum 4 years of medical school, a year of internship and minimum 5 years of residency in neurological surgery. Additionally they have training in Pediatric Neurosurgery. The pediatric neurosurgeons diagnose and treat children from the newborn period through the teenage years. They choose to make the pediatric care as core of their medical practice and their unique and advanced training make them highly qualified and experienced in their chosen profession.
Neurosurgical Disorders in Children
The pediatric brain tumors, seizures and the inborn abnormalities of the spine, head and face can be challenging. The patients and families across the globe can now rely on the experts in India offering hope, insight and compassionate care.
The following are the neurosurgical disorders in children:
- Arachnoid cysts - These are relatively common benign and asymptomatic lesions which are related to occurring with the central nervous system, both within the intracranial compartment and within the spinal canal.
- Brain and spinal cord tumors - These tumors are found in the tissue within the bony spinal column or skull which builds-up the central nervous system. These tumors can be found in any part of the body and occurs when the genes regulating the cell growth become damaged or mutated.
- Brachial plexus injury - It is an injury to the brachial plexus, the network of nerves conducting the signals from the spinal cord to the arm, shoulder and hand. These nerves originate in the fifth, sixth, seventh and eight cervical (C5-C8) and the first thoracic (T1) spinal nerves. These injuries can occur due to shoulder trauma, tumors or inflammation.
- Chiari malformation - They are structural defects in the cerebellum, a part of the brain controlling balance.
- Cerebral palsy - It is a set of disorders related to the functioning of the brain and the nervous system which affects the learning, movement, hearing ability in a child. This can be of various types such as dyskinesia, spastic, hypnotic, ataxic, and mixed.
- Craniofacial Syndromes - They occur when the soft plates of a baby’s skull close too soon or in an unusual way.
- Congenital Malformations of the Brain and Spine - Congenital abnormalities called malformations are conditions that affect the form and function of the nervous system. As there are many types of the congenital malformations of the bones and soft tissue of the head and spine, some of it is mild while some are severe but correctable with surgery by a pediatric neurosurgeon.
- Epilepsy - This condition is a brain disorder resulting in recurring seizures that occur when the neurons or the nerve cell clusters within the brain are sending incorrect signals.
- Craniosynostosis - This is a birth defect in which one or more joints in between the bones of the skull closes early or prematurely, prior to the formation of the brain in an infant. The head is misshapen and the brain cannot grow in its original shape during this condition.
- Neural tube disorders - These are birth defects of the brain, spine or spinal cord. Often they happen in the first month of pregnancy before a woman even knows that she is pregnant. The most common neural tube defects are syringomyelia, spina bifida, tethered cord, anencephaly, etc.
- Hydrocephalus - This is a condition where there is excess accumulation of fluid inside the brain which can be either present at the time of birth or congenital.
- Skeletal dysplasia - It is a medical term for what people refer to as dwarfism. This is an umbrella term which includes hundreds of conditions affecting the child’s bone and cartilage growth.
- Vascular and Cerebrovascular disorders - The flow of blood inside the brain is referred to as Cerebrovascular. When a part of the brain is temporarily or permanently affected by lack of blood flow or bleeding it causes Cerebrovascular diseases.
- Traumatic brain and spinal injuries - You can rely on pediatric neurosurgeons in India for expert evaluation and treatment if your child experiences a traumatic brain or a spine injury. Our coordinated team of pediatric specialists carefully assesses the child, form a diagnosis, develop and implement a treatment plan tailored for your child’s needs.
- Spasticity - A condition of muscle disorder categorized by the inability to control the tight or stiff muscles. When the central nervous system causes an imbalance of the signals this results in the condition of spasticity. This imbalance can be seen in people suffering from multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, cerebral palsy and stroke.
- Pediatric Spinal Disorders - The pediatric spinal disorders treatment and diagnosis varies from the adult spinal disorders. A large number of traumatic, neoplastic, developmental, and congenital disorders can occur in pediatric age group.

Baby.Abdullahi Mohammed, Nigeria
Surgery for Spina Bifida
My 5 months old son was born with Spina bifida, a medical condition that mainly occurs during the time when the child is in the mother’s womb, usually during 19 or 21 weeks of pregnancy. It is a kind of neural tube defect and requires a surgery to correct the problem. The term surgery is in itself a big terror especially when it comes to your small little child. I too was a bit worried and wanted the best course of treatment for my tiny tot. One of my friends had recommended me to SpineAndNeuroSurgeryHospitalIndia for the surgery and I without wasting any moment further was connected to the team through my friend. I discussed everything with the expert medical professional there who guided me the right path from analyzing the report to planning the surgery date with the best of neurosurgeon. He suggested me a few names and recommended the best neurosurgeon in India according to his review and understanding. I further cross checked all the information and found him indeed to be the best surgeon for my son. Further, on the prescribed date, the surgery was performed and the part of the spine protruding from the back was removed. The problem was corrected and I was satisfied with the results and was happy thinking that my medical journey from Nigeria to India proved to be a blessing in disguise
Symptoms of Pediatric Neurological Disorders
Each of the neurological disorders can have a major impact on a child’s life, making it significant to identify the major symptoms to seek out a treatment path more readily. Here are few symptoms of pediatric neurological disorders:
- Spasms/seizures
- Poor muscle coordination
- Concentration issues
- Muscle tone issues
Diagnosis of Pediatric Neurological Disorders
There are many different diagnostic tests which help to evaluate the functioning of the nervous system. A number of tests which are performed include the psychological and educational evaluations.
Electroencephalogram (EEG) - This procedure records the brain’s continuous, electrical activity by means of electrodes that are attached to the scalp.
Computed Tomography Scan (CT or CAT scan) - This diagnostic imaging procedure are more detailed than the general X-rays. It uses a combination of X-rays and computer technology to produce the horizontal or axial, images or slices of the body including the bones, fat, muscles, and organs.
Electrodiagnostic Tests - It includes electromyography and nerve conduction velocity which are studies done to evaluate and diagnose the disorders of the muscles and motor neurons. The electrodes are inserted into the muscle or placed on the skin overlying a muscle or muscle group and the electrical activity and muscle response are recorded.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) - A diagnostic procedure using a combination of the radiofrequencies, large magnets and a computer to produce detailed images of the organs and structures within the body.
Arteriogram or Angiogram - It provides a scan of arteries and/or veins going to and through the brain.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Scan - A computer-based imaging technique which provides a picture of the brain’s activity instead of its structure by measuring the levels of glucose injected which is labeled with a radioactive tracer.
Evoked Potentials - Procedures which record the brain’s electrical response to visual, auditory and sensory stimuli.
Cerebral Spinal Fluid Analysis - This procedure makes an evaluation or diagnosis by examining the fluid withdrawn from the spinal column.
Ultrasound or Sonography - A diagnostic imaging technique is used to view the internal organs as they function and to assess the blood flow through various vessels. It uses high-frequency sound waves and a computer to create images of blood vessels, organs and tissues.
Spinal Tap or Lumbar Puncture - A special needle is placed into the lower back and the spinal canal which is region around the spinal cord. The pressure in the spinal canal and the brain can be measured. A small amount of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), fluid that bathes the brain and the spinal cord can be removed and sent for testing to determine if there is an infection or other problems.
Neurosonography - Procedure using ultra-high frequency sound waves which enable the doctor to evaluate structures of the nervous system including the spinal cord, brain and other structures.
Myelogram - Procedure which uses the dye injected into the spinal canal to make the structure clearly visible on the X-rays.
Treatments for Pediatric Neurological Diseases:
Pediatric Neurosurgery Cost In India There is few non-invasive treatment procedures that can treat the congenital vascular malformations, movement disorders, epilepsy and brain tumors effectively. Our highly trained team of best Pediatric Neurosurgery doctors in India is skilled to provide all the treatments for the pediatric neurological conditions such as psychological and psychiatric counseling, pain management, medication, and the physical, occupational and speech language therapy. We are also committed to give each child and family the practical and emotional support needed to achieve the best possible health. Additionally the experts in pediatric neurology in India collaborate closely with the team of Pediatric Neurosurgery in India at top hospitals to provide the state of the art care for children and adolescents. The conditions such as hydrocephalus, epilepsy, movement disorders, craniosynostosis and brain tumors may respond to the surgical procedures.
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