For 80 old Umed Singh, walking again after a failing heart and a paralytic attack turned out to be a dream.

As he was suffering a medical condition called myelopathy where pressure on the spinal cord affects the transfer of electric signals to hands and legs, resulting in stiff limbs with weakness and ultimately leads to paralysis, Singh was bedridden and relied on others for his private requirements and feeding. After getting consulted by many spine specialists, he was not approved for the surgery because of his failing heart conditions. As he had undergone three major cardiac surgeries previously which included a cardiac bypass.
His spine condition was debilitating which had left him almost paralyzed since the past few years, some patients are debilitated by the pain to the point that his fantasy of life diminishes to a fragment of what it used to be; he becomes shells of their former selves. The back pain had taken a toll not only on him but also on his family and friends. He found that along with his back health, his relationships were slowly deteriorated as well. till he underwent life-changing surgery by Senior Consultant Orthopaedic- Spine Surgeon Dr. Hitesh Garg at Artemis Hospital Gurgaon who has extensive experience in spine surgery having trained from the best spine centers of the world and India.

The patient derives significant benefit from surgical treatment and the bonus These patients had no higher overall complication rate and no higher mortality when compared to patients younger than age 80. Many surgeons are hesitant to perform open- back processes on aged patients due to the expanded risk of complications. To treat with continual pain in lots of elderly patients while open-back surgical treatment isn’t an alternative, vendors have been confined to conservative treatment, along with recommending physical therapy, pain management techniques, or prescribing pain medication.
“Shortly after my appointment was fixed with Dr. Hitesh Garg best spine surgeon in India, he listened to me very calmly, noted all my medical records in detail and performed the physical examination. After this, he ordered certain investigations to affirm the diagnosis. After the reports came back, he defined that I would need surgery. The surgical treatment conducted as scheduled and went on efficiently. Considering the fact that then I have been recovering well. Walking with a stick, it’s a new life for me as I am relieved of pain and able to do my activities independently” Said Umed Singh.
Dr. Hitesh Garg has strong academic interest and is world-renowned in spine surgery. He believes in meeting patients’ individual needs through comprehensive evaluation and treatment designed to help them achieve active, pain-free lifestyles. He combines leading-edge techniques with proven traditional methods to provide patients with the best care possible. The biggest challenge for Dr. Hitesh Garg in carrying out the spine surgery was patient’s weak heart which could pump only 25% blood of its capacity, the surgeon tried to finish the surgery quickly with minimal blood loss, as Singh’s heart could have collapsed any minute during the procedure. Dr. Garg completed the surgery within 50 min with almost 300ml blood loss as cervical myelopathy affects 4% of the population above the age of 65 years. Singh’s heart was too weak to take the stress of surgery, but he agreed to undergo it. In most cases patients are not willing to get the treatment done and eventually lose control of their hands and legs, becoming bedridden without control over their bowel movements. “Dr. Hitesh Garg was excellent by all means, no blood loss even the wound was too small. As soon as I came out theatre I knew İ was now out of pain. Guess what the next day I was walking. Dr. Garg amazing his love for patients was great. The nurses were very nice. I will always recommend him; it was going to be difficult without you.” Says, Umed Singh.
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