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dr.arvind kulkarni

Dr. Arvind G. Kulkarni Best Scoliosis Surgeon in India

Contact Dr. Arvind G. Kulkarni

Scoliosis Surgery with Dr. Arvind Kulkarni

Recognized as the number 1 scoliosis surgeon by Government of India.

Largest number of 5000+ scoliosis surgeries to his credit.

Expert in Scoliosis Surgery, minimally invasive spinal surgery, deformity correction and revision spine surgery.

About Scoliosis

'Scoliosis' is a broad term, which may describe a Spinal curve ranging from 15 degrees to more than 50 degrees. The curve happens at various points of the Spine in every case, may or may not damage the pelvis. This is a severe form of neuro-muscular condition influenced by several factors, but it appears to be a bone condition. The three-dimensional change in the spine's orientation, that is the curve, is just a symptom of the condition. In most cases, it is very progressive in nature, Scoliosis affects generally children belonging to the age group of 10 to 14.

The main cause behind the occurrence of Scoliosis is because of the miscommunication between the motor-sensory input and output from the upper trunk of the body to the lower trunk. The brain doesn't get or send messages aptly about the body parts, position and the strength required for movement. Owing to the challenges this disease brings, medical researchers and Spine and Neurosurgeons across the world are working hard to work out treatment methodologies to reduce Scoliosis curvature and progression.

How do You Know that you are an apt Candidate for this Surgery?

Before deciding on the surgical approach, Spine Specialists reviews the patient's x-rays, imaging tests and other details of the clinical evaluation, several times to frame the surgical plan. The best surgical approach depends on the kind of curvature, the symptoms and if the patient had any previous surgery.

There are many factors, which need to be considered before finalizing if you are a patient for this procedure.

  • If the curvature of your spine is more than 40-50 degrees, there are high chances that it will get worse, even if you are an adult
  • Also, the Minimally Invasive Scoliosis surgery is generally opted if the curvature is in the Thoracic Spine

Get the Most Seamless Treatment Possibilities for Scoliosis

scoliosis treatmentThe Spine is undoubtedly one of the most critical and delicate parts of our body and any damage or trauma caused to this part can be extremely painful and can limit the patients from doing even the simplest and routine activities. The Spine and the Spinal Cord together form one of the most crucial neurological structures. Our Spine can suffer from situations like a fracture, an infection, can bend unusually or can suffer from a tumour or undergo bone changes that is degeneration of bones that come with ageing. A damaged spine can badly interfere with the harmonious functioning of our body, bringing a lot of unwelcome problems like severe pain, numbness and weakness in the arms and legs, breathing difficulties, digestion issues and impairment of the bladder and bowel control.

There is a wide range of treatment possibilities for curing every kind of Spinal disorder, but not every Spine condition needs a surgery owing to the methods like physiotherapy, medication, etc. that can be helpful in curing these problems. However, there are Spine conditions that are very difficult in nature and these traditional approaches do not help. This is when a surgery is recommended. Some of the Spine conditions are:

  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Spinal Cord injury
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Scoliosis
  • Spina Bifida
  • Spinal Disc Herniation
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Spondylosis
  • Spinal Tumour

At the same time, these Spine diseases are extremely burdening for the patients and owing to the cruciality of the organ involved, the surgeries associated need a very high level of surgical expertise, which is found in abundance in India. The Indian Spine and Neuro Surgeons have very commendably and successfully carved a niche for themselves in all over the world and one such accomplished Spine specialist of India is Dr. Arvind Kulkarni. With his proficiency in this field, he has not only pushed the success rates higher but also enriched the lives of countless patients, not only from India but also from other nations.

His presence is one of the reasons, why the inflow associated with Spine surgeries has been continually rising. His has made Spinal treatment in India, an extremely rewarding and most comfortable experience for the international patients. Very wary about always keeping himself updated about the latest advances in his field, Dr. Kulkarni is totally focused on delivering nothing the best to his patients. According to Dr. Kulkarni, Scoliosis should not be ignored or left untreated, because with time the condition worsens and can lead to disc degeneration, impairment of Heart and Lung functioning.

Scoliosis Treatment by Dr Arvind Kulkarni in India

Currently, Dr. Arvind Kulkarni is the Head of the Mumbai Spine Scoliosis and Disc Replacement Centre and is associated as the Consultant and a Spine and Disc Replacement Surgeon at the much-reputed Bombay Hospital, located in Mumbai. He is also associated actively with other renowned hospitals such as the Saifee and Breach Candy Hospitals. Having handled more than 2000 Spinal procedures– around 1500 primary and 500 revisions – successfully, he is undoubtedly one of the most experienced ones to go for. Further, he is one of the most proficient Spine surgeons, who can very proficiently manage Artificial Disc Replacement, Minimally Invasive Spinal procedures, addressing any kind of Spinal Deformity and Revision spine surgery.

His continuous focus is to provide his patients the best possible cure and a wholesome treatment experience. Owing to his extensive experience, he is a blessing for his patients. One of the most qualified Spine surgeons of India, along with the topmost qualifications, he has also attained training from some of the best Spinal hospitals and centres based across the globe such as KEM Hospital Mumbai, National University Hospital Singapore, West mead Adult & Children’s Hospitals Australia, and Toronto Western Hospital& Hospital for Sick Children Canada and St George Hospital- Australia.

An award-winning surgeon and a member of highly esteemed organizations, he has done ground-breaking amount of research in the field of Spinal cure and is a much-coveted speaker at many national and international platforms. With several kinds of innovative treatment approaches to his credit, he is undeniably one of the leaders of Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery in India. He has introduced Micro-Endoscopic techniques, which can be done using the Matrix system for the first time in India. Furthermore, his name is mentioned in the one of the most renowned platforms – the Limca Book of Records – for performing the first Artificial Disc Replacement (ProDisc-L) in the country.

Dr. Kulkarni is Extremely Adept in Handling the following Procedures with Utmost Poise:

  • Artificial Disc Replacement (Total Disc Replacement) for Chronic pain in the Lower Back region
  • Laminectomy +/- Instrumented Fusion for Lumbar Canal Stenosis
  • Minimally Invasive TLIF - Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MIS-TLIF)
  • Micro-Endoscopic Discectomy with MetRx system for treating Prolapsed Intervertebral Disc (PID)
  • Micro-Endoscopic Laminotomy and Decompression (Microlumbar Laminoplasty) using MetRx system for Lumbar Canal Stenosis (Spinal Stenosis)
  • Spinal Fusion for Spinal Trauma, Chronic Low Backpain, Spondylolisthesis, Spinal Infections, Spinal Tumours, etc.
  • Anterior Cervical Decompression & Fusion for Cervical Myelopathy, Cervical Radiculopathy, Spinal Tumours, Spinal Trauma, etc.
  • Cervical Laminoplasty for Cervical Myelopathy
  • Cervical Laminectomy and Fusion for Cervical Myelopathy, Spinal Trauma, Spinal Tumours, etc.
  • Atlantoaxial Fixation and Fusion for Atlantoaxial Instability (secondary to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Trauma, Developmental causes)
  • Occipitocervical Fusion for Tumours, Trauma, Compression, etc. around the Craniovertebral region
  • Deformity Correction – Scoliosis (Paediatric & Adult), Kyphosis (due to Scheuermann’s disease, Post-infective, Post-tubercular, Post-traumatic, Ankylosing spondylitis, Osteoporosis etc).
  • Thoracoscopic Anterior Release & Fusion for Scoliosis
  • Anterior Spinal Decompression & Fusion at all levels (Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar)
  • Posterior Spinal Decompression & Fusion at all levels (Cervical, Thoracic & Lumbar)
  • Vertebroplasty & Kyphoplasty for Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures, Metastasis to the Spine, etc.
  • Surgeries for Spinal Trauma
  • Facet joint injections
  • Transforaminal Epidural Injections
  • Dynamic Stabilization – Inter-spinous spacer, Pedicle screw based – Dynesys, Acuflex, etc.

One of the areas in which he is recognized as being the pioneer is the treatment of Scoliosis – Paediatric and Adult.

Different Surgical Approaches for Scoliosis Surgery India:

thoracic lumbar spineSpinal Fusion: - This is the most commonly and effectual surgery recommended for Scoliosis is Spinal Fusion, which works wonderfully for this ailment. In this procedure, the surgeons permanently fuse two or more vertebrae so that these can develop together as a single bone, which won’t have any movement. Today, with the advent of more advanced forms of surgical approaches and instrumentation choices like screws, hooks, rods, and/or wires that are implanted in the spine, the Spinal Fusion procedure has achieved a far better curvature correction level. Also, as compared to the more conventional techniques, the recovery in Spinal Fusion is rapid along with long-lasting relief and huge range of mobility.

minimally invasive spine surgeryMinimally Invasive Scoliosis Surgery: - Minimally Invasive Scoliosis surgery is an endoscopic procedure. In this, the surgery is done through some small cuts instead of one long incision. In this approach, a thin telescope-like surgical tool that has a tiny video camera and this instrument is referred to as an Endoscope. This tool is inserted via one of the small incisions with which the surgeons gets an enhanced view of the internal images of the patient’s body on a television screen or monitor present in the operating room. The resulting images and the intraoperative X-ray images taken from the Fluoroscope placed around the patient aptly guide the surgeon to go about the surgery.

Depending on the location, the number of levels to be fused, the incisions are made. A thin membrane that lines the chest cavity is gently cut and pulled away to gain access to the spinal bones. Occasionally, a section of rib is also taken out either to use it as a source of bone graft for the fusion procedure or to enhance the patient’s aesthetic look, particularly with the presence of a prominent rib hump.
Then, the disc material is removed from between the vertebrae, which increases the flexibility of the curve and also gives a huge surface area for Spinal Fusion. Post this, screws are fixed to the vertebrae that need correction, with apt guidance from the images received from the Endoscope and Fluoroscope.
Then the bony surface amidst the vertebral bodies is toughened and the bone graft or the bone graft substitute is stuffed into the space between the vertebral bodies. After this, a specially contoured and modified rod is attached to the fixed screws at every target vertebra. Then the screws are tightened properly to achieve desired correction of the spinal deformity. Then the instruments are taken out and the incisions are closed.

thoracoscopic anterior releaseThoracoscopic Anterior Release:- This has emerged as a very promising option for patients suffering from Scoliosis. It improves the Spinal flexibility to a major extent and maximizes the correction level, when curing stiff Thoracic Scoliosis. With this approach, the surgeons can place the Spinal instrumentation, either implementing a Posterior or an Anterior thoracic approach

Benefits of Spine Surgery:

Considering the difficult kinds of symptoms that Spinal diseases bring along, the advantages make it certainly worth, going through the surgeries. Every Spine surgery has its own share of benefits however the results can vary from patient to patient. But overall, the advantages of Spine procedures especially for treating Scoliosis, are:

  • Long –lasting respite from the severe pain
  • Patient’s range of motion is improved
  • Patient does not have to restrict himself or herself from doing the activities of his or her choice
  • The improvement in the quality of life gives a positive thrust to the patient’s confidence
  • Further, the surgeries being minimally invasive, the recovery is faster and the pain and bleeding involved in much reduced
  • Very tiny incisions so minimal scarring
  • Hardly any chances of infection
  • Like any other surgery, Spine Curvature Minimal Invasive Surgery too has some risks involved, but Dr Arvind Kulkarni Scoliosis Surgeon India makes sure that the patients do not face any kind of discomfort

Why you Should Plan your Scoliosis Correction Surgery by Dr. Kulkarni?

Curvature in Spine Surgery India is obviously a very critical to treat as it involves realignment of the skeleton and moving some very crucial muscles. The amount of post-surgical pain varies from patient to patient and also matter is the patient’s tolerance level. However, no matter how tolerant you are, the pain still can be certainly overwhelming.

With proper medications and after-care, Dr. Kulkarni not only ensures that the patients have an extremely smooth journey towards recovery but also makes sure that the patients are back on their feet at the earliest and thus looks after them through the rehabilitation process

Road to Recovery with Dr. Kulkarni

Post- surgery, while the patient is still in the hospital, the below-mentioned points should be kept in mind:

  • Pain management – Dr. Kulkarni prescribes specific medications to keep the pain under control
  • Drains – This is done to avoid the accumulation of any fluid at the surgical site
  • Walking – The patients are made to walk with the help of the nursing staff
  • Eating – The diet of the patients is supervised strictly

Not only this, there are some points that Dr. Kulkarni recommends after the patients are discharged. While the patients are back home, the patients need to be extremely wary about:

  • Looking after the incision, specifically during bath
  • Cleaning/dressing the incision regularly to avoid any infection
  • Sometimes, the lung function becomes a little bumpy after a Scoliosis surgery. This is why it is very important that the patients perform respiratory exercises on a regular basis
  • The patients need to stay active as much as possible. It is recommended that they walk regularly or indulge in light exercises but bending or lifting objects, or any sports activities are prohibited till they recover totally
  • If the patients take any kind of medication apart from those associated with the procedure, the consumption should be stopped or shouldn’t be continued without consulting the doctor. For example, women are prohibited from taking birth control pills as these push the risk of blood clotting
  • Patients who smoke regularly, need to keep it at bay for a few months pre and post-surgery
  • Avoid travelling during the initial weeks but be extremely careful while travelling if at all necessary

As per Dr. Kulkarni, although the exact cause of Spinal deformities, specifically Scoliosis is still not clear, but still we can try our best to maintain the best health of our bones. Following a healthy routine, staying active, highly nutritious diet are some of the ways for it.

Patient Success Stories

Much to the satisfaction of his patients, he has many success stories to his credit; more specifically, successful patient stories related to Scoliosis, which is a huge confidence booster for not only his patients from India but the international patients as well.

1. Richard Antamba:- A 19-year old Ecuadorian citizen, he was suffering from severe Scoliosis and his condition was deteriorating continuously. Despite visiting several doctors in his country, there was no improvement in his condition, and could have met a disastrous end. Further, he even tried to find the relevant treatment in USA, but the expenses involved was out of his budget. This is when, he was suggested to get in touch with Scoliosis Doctor Arvind Kulkarni Mumbai, India. After meeting Dr. Kulkarni, he felt he did have a second chance in life. Thanks to Dr. Kulkarni’s expertise and experience, Richard’s surgery was a complete success. Today, Richard is back in Ecuador, leading a very active and renewed lease of life. He is immensely grateful to Dr. Kulkarni and his team for the miraculous cure.

2. Agnes:- A 17-year old Polish girl, who was suffering from Scoliosis gut successfully cured by Dr. Kulkarni. Her country being not so familiar with advanced Spinal treatment, she came to Mumbai. Her condition was very critical and this upped the surgical intricacies. But all credit goes to Dr. Kulkarni Best Scoliosis Surgeon Mumbai for handling the surgery with utmost confidence. With the use of highly progressive Spinal navigation technique, the surgery was successful and today she has recovered well.

Plan Your Scoliosis Surgery in India with Dr. Arvind Kulkarni

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